Auburn Senior Works with City, Community to Promote Health Literacy

As the 2022 Rockford Youth Poet, I worked with Rockford Ready and the Rockford Area Arts Council to develop a series of powers focused on health literacy. The collaboration focuses on building and maintaining individual health literacy, with a goal to keep yourself and those around you safe and healthy, especially as the global pandemic continues into a third year.

I developed five poems for this project, using my own experiences navigating the health systems around me to paint a picture of what health literacy means from the lens of a young person attempting to make sense of a world that can be daunting and confusing. By sharing my story, I hope to inspire those around me to take charge of their health and be the best advocates for themselves as possible!

The full series was developed into videos that are available now on the City of Rockford YouTube page. Together, we can share our collective voices to make Rockford a healthier place by empowering others to make the best decisions for their health and future.

Giulyana GameroGiulyana Gamero is an Auburn High School senior and the 2022 Rockford Youth Poet. She hopes to continue to use her voice to uplift and inspire her community.