students at a event

Last week Spanish speaking students from Rockford Public Schools attended a concert at the Coronado Performing Arts Center.

The kindergarten through third students from Washington, Whitehead, Conklin, Lathrop, Carlson, Gregory and Hillman elementary schools enjoyed a concert by music duo 123 Andrés. Not only was the performance in their native language, but it was also based on our district's Spanish phonics curriculum from Benchmark Workshop/Taller!

Students were fully immersed in the presentation! They were able to sing along and make connections, because the songs are used in classroom lessons. Students had a lot to say about their experience at the Coronado, such as "This theater is beautiful!" and "I had so much fun!" Teachers, parents, volunteers and the Coronado staff also had a blast.

Ruth Sanchez
Ruth Sanchez

Ruth Sanchez has worked at Rockford Public Schools for six years and in education for more than 20 years. During her first two years at RPS 205, she worked at Nelson Elementary School as a fourth-grade bilingual teacher. Ruth is currently an administrator in the RPS 205 Bilingual and Multicultural Department.