2 photos 1 of 4 students sitting , second people sitting in a showcase
kids with parents in graduation gowns
collage of 3 photos 1st a kid in pjs painting on a  paper sheet 2nd student pasting a drawing on the board 3rd student cutting a peaper figure
collage of 3 pics 1 3 students playing with red cups  second 2 students taking tghe temp with a thermometer to a doll 3erd student in a activity with the teacher
cildren han with brush with paints, a paint bread
2 children simulating talking over the phone, corn seeds in a plate and a pocadote plate chilldren taking a nap
Celebrate the 2023 Week of the Young Child April 1-7
teachers receiving an award
teacher and student
college black history month
ballon blitz
Artwork by (L-R) Ella Roxworthy, Jade Stone, Kasandra Aguilar, Lauren Rider
collage of students and teachers and parents
Feb. 24 Shoutouts: RPS 205 Staff Recognized for Living the Values